Tang, Benyang, Dominic Mazzoni, 2006: Multiclass reduced-set support
vector machines. Proceedings of the 23th International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML 2006), Pittsburgh, PA
An improved method is presented for reducing
the number of support vectors in a support
vector machine (SVM) classifier, typically
leading to dramatically faster classification speed with minimal additional error.
The method, which we call RS+, is based
on Burgesd constructive approach to generating
SVM reduced sets, but introduces several
improvements which, when combined,
result in a faster, more robust algorithm. The
constructive approach depends on the ability
to approximate the pre-image of a feature
space vector, which is a differencecult nonlinear
optimization problem. To address this, the
RS+ method uses a combination of dirential
evolution and gradient descent to find
better pre-images. Optimal SVM weights
and bias are found for the reduced-set vectors
by using the SVM training algorithm with
a modified kernel matrix, leading to further
improvements in accuracy. Additionally, we
demonstrate how reduced-set methods can be
applied to multi-class problems made up of
several binary SVMs, resulting in additional
gains beyond what would be achieved by reducing
each binary SVM separately. Our experiments
show that RS+ is quite successful,
for example achieving the same accuracy as
the Burges method on the USPS digit classification problem with 1/3 as many reduced-set